

We represent small businesses & individuals before the IRS.
We deal with the IRS for you so that you don’t even have to talk to them. We submit your returns, answer their questions, complete financial analysis, propose solutions, reject solutions that are not in your best interest, appeal actions that are wrong or detrimental to you, request abatement of penalties, file appeals and offers in compromise as needed, and much more.


An IRS Revenue Officer has incredible authority, is very intimidating and, probably the number one reason people contact us.
I retired from the IRS in 2022 after 15 years as a Revenue Officer.
My experience gives me a unique advantage in that I know their job, their requirements, tactics, and the way they operate.


dc Tax specializes in resolving your issues from past balances, current balances, and future compliance.

  • We’re not a “rubber stamp” middleman simply giving the IRS what they want.
  • We research your transcripts, past returns and complete a comprehensive analysis.
  • We file requests for corrections, amendments, and abatement of penalties & interest, where appropriate.
  • Propose and advocate for the best solution for you and your unique situation.
  • Regularly follow up with you for a year after case closing assuring you are still in compliance, answer questions, make suggestions and deal with any issues that may arise.

Staff Profile

David Collins, Enrolled Agent

I am a Christian, husband to Sherry for 29 years, father of Jen, Chris, & Erin, and grandfather to Alex & Chloe.

I retired from the IRS as a Revenue Officer in October of 2022.

The reason I retired early was that I didn’t like the direction I felt the organization and job were turning. I have always tried to help the people I was assigned to. To me, working for the government should be working for the people. The last few years though I started feeling pressured to treat the job as more of an “us vs them” and to not have empathy for people; to treat it as a simple “if this, then that” process.

I can’t do that.

So, I retired and started dc Tax, LLC. Our goal is to serve others wherever God leads us. I will try to help anyone I can. I’m not looking to get rich or anything like that. God has been good to my family and me and He will continue to take care of us. Don’t get me wrong. I have to make a living, and I do have to make money, but it’s not the most important thing.

If you need help with a tax issue, give me a call and let’s see what we can do.